
Signs That Make Knowing When to Replace Your Welding Filters Second Nature

January 27, 2020

During normal operations, welders expose themselves to hazardous fumes and fragmented metallic parts and dust, causing a litany of health problems and unfavorable prognoses upon inhalation.


With this knowledge out in the open, it becomes all too clear why welding filters are critical in circumventing these health concerns and how, in some sense, they are as important as the primary welding equipment themselves.


Nonetheless, while picking the right filter is a great start, it's equally as important to know how to assess your filters so that you don’t increase your risk of encountering any of the following problems.


Breathing Has Become Laborious

Equipping yourself with a new set of welding filters for your respirator allows you to breathe normally and with minimal inhalation pressure. Naturally, over time, dust and soot collect on the filters and you'll find it becomes ever more taxing to breathe properly. Unfortunately, cleaning the filters to extend their use and lifespan runs the risk of contamination, which means it's imperative you get a replacement soon.


30 Days and 40 Hours Rule

Most welding filter manufacturers, such as us at Dynamic Filtration, recommend using filters for up to 30 days at a time. Another rule of thumb to follow is: if you've been using the filters for more than 40 hours, it may be due for a replacement. It is important to reiterate that cleaning rather than replacing can endanger the health and safety of your welders. Fortunately, this doesn’t need to be taxing on the wallet; Dynamic Filtration and other reputable manufacturers have affordable filter solutions for your company.


Soiled and Damaged Filters

If you’ve taken notice of the damage that soil, dust, and micro-metallic components have imparted onto your filters, then it's critical to have them replaced as soon as possible; the use of unfit filters can have dire consequences on your workers and their health.


Contaminated Fresh Filters

In some cases, filters left open from their protective, dust-proof packaging will be contaminated with dust, soot, and other particles in the workplace. If this happens to a fresh set or batch of filters, make sure to dispose of them. New filters that have been contaminated are as great a hazard as filters that have been soiled and damaged over time.


Sourcing Highly Regarded Manufacturers

Dynamic Filtration provides a great and affordable set of high-quality welding filters for immediate replacements. Our decades of experience providing top-quality filtration solutions for companies across Canada gives us confidence in delivering the results you need for every project. Contact us to learn more!

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