
Air Filtration In Powdering And Chemical Applications

July 25, 2024
Air Filter for Powdering And Chemical Applications

The application of industrial filters across numerous industries is well-known. Be it manufacturing, wastewater management, food production, fertilizer production, or chemical dispersal, these filters play a key role. The same holds true for powder and chemical applications. In this blog, Dynamic Filtration Ltd reveals the role of a cleanable air filter in this particular sector.


Industrial Filters For Powder Application


Powder coating has widespread applications across numerous industries. Some examples include:


- Powdering sugar over donuts in a food processing plant
- Adding a powder coat paint to an automobile in an assembly line
- Sprinkling shellac over a table’s surface, a commonly used chemical in furniture to improve its shine and durability


Cleanable air filters, such as panel filters, are added to these powdering machines, as they serve several key functions:


- Ensuring Clean Air: The powder is sprayed onto a surface with the help of a powerful compressor. It is vital to keep the inlet of the compressor free from any contamination, as it may enter the powder. This will eventually lead to the formation of bumps or pinholes on the applied surface, leading to uneven coating.

- Better Adhesion: By ensuring clean air, the powder is applied more evenly to the surface, ensuring better adhesion. This leads to top-quality coating that will last a long time.

- Protecting Equipment: Precious equipment such as compressors and powder guns can face unwanted wear and tear with contamination. The cleanable air filter prevents this altogether.


If you are on the lookout for quality industrial filters for powder coating applications, the best options are pleated air filters or other types of cleanable air filters. These filters have great structural integrity, ensuring they can withstand intense processes such as pulse cleaning.


For different types of industrial filters such as welding filters, pleated air filters, panel filters, inlet-type filters, and more, please reach out to us at Dynamic Filtration Ltd. today. With more than 3 decades of experience, the company strives to build the highest-quality filters that are durable and easy to maintain. Contact us today to learn more or to request a quote.

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